“A team of doctors at Global Hospitals saved the lives of three girls in back-to-back liver transplants in 18 hours. While an infant underwent a living donor transplant, doctor teams performed cadaveric liver transplant surgeries on an eight-year-old girl and an 18-month-old girl with a liver harvested from a 12-year-old girl and split into two. The surgeries were done at 3am on Oct 22.”- Times of India
This recent news has certainly drawn the attention of all the liver patients across the world to the surgical procedures of Indian Medical infrastructure and surgeons of India. Well, India has been dominating the global medical industry for over a decade now. A few recent successes in India have added some extra pages in the history of Indian Medical History. That’s the reason; so many people around the world look for “liver transplant in India”.
This recent news has certainly drawn the attention of all the liver patients across the world to the surgical procedures of Indian Medical infrastructure and surgeons of India. Well, India has been dominating the global medical industry for over a decade now. A few recent successes in India have added some extra pages in the history of Indian Medical History. That’s the reason; so many people around the world look for “liver transplant in India”.
How a Liver Transplant is Performed?
After you book the concerned agency for such kind of work, you can call the agency at any time of the day. Additionally, this kind of agency would give you a proper transportation to the health care center in an expedient manner. The concerned surgeon would instruct you what to eat and drink prior going for the treatment. Once you reach the center they would take out a chest X-ray and an electrocardiogram (ECG) so that the concerned doctor can have another look at your heart and lung function. Then a general anesthetic is needed before undergoing such kind of surgery.
Types of Transplant
Split Donation
It is applicable when a donor liver can be accessible without difficulty -suppose from a recently dead person or from an adult. During the procedure, the surgeon will split the donated liver into the right and left lobes. Then the right lobe is transplanted and then the left one is transplanted if needed.
Living Donor Transplant
In this specific procedure, either the left or right side (lobe) of their liver would be removed. Usually, doctors prefer right lobe transplants for all the individuals above 18 years of age whereas left lobe transplants are generally recommended for children.
Orthotopic Transplant
Well, this is the commonest type of liver where a whole liver is taken from the donor who has passed away in recent times. After that, the surgeon will create an incision in your abdomen and amputate your liver. Thereafter, the surgeon will put the donor liver in the appropriate position and then connect to your bile ducts and blood vessels.
Where to contact?
Well, there are several service providers that cropped up here in India; all of these help medical tourism in India flourish day by day. Now, it is absolutely trouble-free to contact the professionals of such kind of healthcare agency. You just need to contact them and then fix an appointment accordingly.
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